I have continued playing with the deployment and have begun plugging in the AudioCodes MP114 VoIP Gateway and I realized I had not deployed Unified Messaging yet which has been typically deployed first for our customers participating in the Technology Adoption Program, TAP. I have access to training from an OCS Ignite session delivered for our partners that walks through this and I will be attending the OCS Voice Ignite training held in Orlando Florida December 10-14 but not everyone has access to the resources so I am going through some online training that is currently available on Microsoft Technet - Technet Virtual Lab: Configuring the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Unified Messaging Server.
I will also let you know that another reason for deploying Unified Messaging first is because it was released while OCS was beta and for a supported OCS 2007 Voice topology with UM we require SP1 which just so happens to have released this week and still the front page news for the Exchange site-
So the next post on the subject will include my feedback on configuring my actual topology (based on training materials I have access to).
Unified Messaging 기술을 이용하기 위해 구축하기 참 힘든데 위 참고 자료가 큰 도움이 될 것 같네요.
OCS와 Exchange UM 설정으로 Outlook통합도 해결해야 할 것 같네요